Hot tub insulation is one the most important energy efficiency factor in hot tubs, so choosing a hot tub with the right insulation for you is the best way to keep hot tub heating costs down.
Hot tub insulation comes in three basic varieties:
Basic insulation is typically a thin layer of polyurethane. A major advantage of basic insulation is the low cost. Basic insulation is sufficient for indoor hot tubs; however, it doesn’t provide adequate insulation for outdoor hot tubs, which means your hot tub will be more expensive to heat during winter months.
(Side note: Check out our blog post about the best hot tubs for winter)
With full foam insulation, the area between the hot tub shell and cabinet sub-floor is filled with a thick layer of solid foam. Foam insulation is an excellent way to insulate and support the hot tub shell. Full foam hot tub insulation can be slightly more expensive, but provides better insulation value than basic insulation.
Layered insulation – also known as blanket insulation – involves installing layers of insulating material between the cabinet walls and the spa shell. Layered insulation makes it easy for hot tub service technicians to access the inside your hot tub if you need repairs. The layers can be quickly removed and replaced, saving time and money.
When choosing a hot tub, consider how and where you’ll use the hot tub. Will this be an outdoor hot tub? Will you use it during winter? Layered insulation is probably best for you. Looking for a low-cost option for an indoor hot tub? Basic insulation should suffice.
If you have questions about hot tub insulation, contact us using our form and we’ll get back to you promptly.